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Introduction to Essential Oils and Horses

I will admit,

I am brand new to Essential Oils, this is something I started because you have asked for it. Boy and I happy you did, every time I turn around I find a new place to incorporate these oils into my life and the lives of the animals in my care. Today I just wanted to touch on what oils are, and some very basic benefits for our animals. We will discuss specific oils as time goes on, please feel free to ask about anything!

Lets start at the beginning, Why should we use Essential oils for our horses?

Other than a huge list of benefits,

  • Oils are non toxic

  • As a child, I would lather Fura-zone all over my horse and myself, I regret that decision years later when the tub now has a large warning on it. Oils offer a non toxic alternative to almost every product we use in the barn.

  • Oils are extremely easy to use

  • Oils can be used in endless ways, they can be used as supplements, inhaled to create a calming effect (or a more uplifting effect), and even used topically as liniments and fly sprays.

  • Oils can be used in training

  • That's right! Oils can be added to your daily training routine to aid in resolving training issues.

  • Oils are great for everyone

  • Oils benefit riders just as much as they benefit the horses. Oils can help balance emotions, nerves, and help with focus.

Is there a difference in Quality of oils?

Absolutely. When I first gave oils a try a few years ago, I didn't realize this key factor. I was purchasing cheap oils from any store I walked into that had them on the shelf. I swore they did nothing but smell good, which was very true because I was only purchasing perfume quality oils.

How do I know which oils to choose for my horse?

Young Living offers an amazing guide book with "problems" listed and which oils to use for these "problems." In the beginning, it is best to start with a Starter Kit in order to experience many different aspects of essential oils, but when choosing individual oils the ones for stress, muscle and discomfort are the most commonly chosen.

How do I introduce my horse to Essential Oils?

The best way to introduce your horse to Essential oils is to hold a bottle of oil in front of your horses muzzle and watch the reaction. When horses enjoy an oil their nostrils often flair and they will try to nudge the bottle of your hand, some horse will even curl their lip and smile!

Many times a horse will smell with one nostril and then the other. This is because the left nostril connects to the emotional part of the brain, and the right nostril connects to the physical side of the brain.

Depending on the oil and the reaction your horse gives, you may be able to apply the oil directly to the horse or allow the horse to lick it off your hand for added benefit.

Ready to begin your life with oils?

Want to learn about a specific oil?

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